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App that will help you easily navigate
through different customized tasks

catagories in your life

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The Problem

So many aspects of our lives need to be managed:
work, family, sport activities and personal life.

But how can we manage them all effectively and efficiently?

Users face difficulty in prioritizing multiple life tasks, which forces them to keep delaying some of them.

This dramatically effects their mood in a bad way, leading them to feel overwhelmed and feel less productive.

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Competitors analysis

Current solution available in the market either focus on one aspect (e.g work related tasks) or collapse across all aspects thereby offer little flexibility.

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I've focus my research at the top apps in the market today that are trying to solve the problem - Monday, Todoist, Trello, Microsoft To-Do, TickTick and Asana.

The goal

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Creating an app that let you combine while keeping apart:
flexibility manage all your tasks with one single app, while keeping different aspects as separated as needed

“The ability to successfully combine
work, family commitments and personal life
is important for the well-being...” (OECD)

The solution

App that will help you to easily

navigate through different customized

tasks catagories

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Design System


Headline 1

H1 -SF Pro text medium 24px

Headline 2

H2 -SF Pro text regular 22px

Headline 3

H3 -SF Pro text semibold 16px


SF Pro text light 13px


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work icon on.png
fam icon off.png
family on.png
sport icon off.png
sport on.png
me icon off.png
me on.png
All icon off.png
All on.png



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All screens

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Final prototype


Thank you for watching!

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