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Conceptual app that helps people find and purchase plants that suit their lifestyle and location by providing a personalized selection of houseplants via Augmented Reality


UX/UI designer


Figma, Vectary, 3dmax, illustrator

Group 227.png


The Problem

These days, with people spending more time at home, houseplants can bring nature indoors, and act as an important source of beauty and stress reduction.

"Studies have shown that houseplants improve concentration and productivity (by up to 15%), reduce stress levels and boost your mood.” -Sophie Lee from NBC News Article

However, some people find it difficult or confusing to choose the plant that would fit their experience, conditions (lightning etc.), availability, skills, and so on.

This can cause potential plant owners more, rather than less, stress.

Buying an unsuitable plant can result in its death, and lead to sorrow and disappointment.



"Help! My plants are dying!
What am I doing wrong? Why this is happening?"

Stress-bro 1.png
Image by Element5 Digital

Problem statement

"How might we help users to keep their plants alive?"

"How might we give users more easy and convenient experience with plants?"


I focused my research on understanding people’s main pain points related to plants,
I created a short online survey using Google Forms and 1-on-1 interview conducted

with people across plant care skill levels.

In a few days, I collected
85 responses from participants.
These methods allowed me to get a full picture of their needs, habits and challenges.

own houseplants

of those people kill a plant at least once


buying plants in nurseries, but most of them don't like the experience

choosing their plants by their look, only

buying what suits them

Competitors analysis

In my research I found out there’s a lot of apps in the market about plants, either they had some information overload which could prove overwhelming for some users, especially those new to plants, or they were too specific with a sole feature like water reminders or plant care thats give partial solution to the problem.

Frame 22.png

Key Findings

My research revealed several aspects that should be addressed in order to solve the main challenge that people face when buying plants, that is, to keep their plants alive.

My survey showed that most people chose their plants based on their appearance, without making sure that the plant is suitable to the lightning conditions, the care that they require, and so on. This, in my view, is the root of the problem: most of the apps that are currently available focus on watering and nurturing. However, if one made a bad selection in the first place, it is unlikely that the plant will survive.

Therefore, selecting the right plant to begin with is highly important.     

Another issues that I address with the app is the ability to make an online purchase, through which a user can expand their plants collection even when there is limited ability to visit the plant nursery in person (for example, during lockdown, or for users who don’t poses a car).

The simulation of the product in the selected space improves the online purchase experience, by making it more realistic, informative, enjoyable, and less stressful. 


Choose right from the start based on their preferences (Light, knowledge, location etc.)

Every space has its own light exposure that's fits to differnet types of plants

Fun online shopping experience

Visualize the plant in their space with AR before buying


Informed by the research, three personas were created, to capture the various stages of the

user’s journey with plants.
Although some aspects are shared between the personas, my research revealed that the app

would need to flexibility account for different users’ skills.

The Beginner: Chooses their plants randomly, not sure exactly what they’re doing, grateful when the plant

stays alive.

The Novice: Has a number of plants, but relies heavily on guesses. Search for more information when

things go wrong.

The Expert: Understands the needs of the plants that they currently own, and wants to extend their

collection with more unique species.

Sara plant newbie.png
Anna busy mom.png
Aaron the expert.png

User Journey Map (Current)


User Journey Map (Wanted)



The storyboard shows the disappoitment the user's feels when his plant died again, and after she discover the app - quickly and easy to find and purchase houseplants through a personalized selection.

WhatsApp Image 2022-03-12 at 14.30.28.jpg


Site map






Final prototype


All screens


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Group 194.png
Intro location.png

Add new plant

add new.png
spacescan gif.gif

AR scanning space

The app uses AR to scans the space, in order to identify the optimal location for the prospective plant. Once the space was scanned, it will be saved in the app for future use.

First time when you enter your app, you need to add your first plant and start your journey.

At the main screen you have quick demo to let you look and feel the experience and then - go ahead and add your first plant.

After that you'll choose where do you want to place your new plant -

that infomation will help the app to filter the plant options for you.

add new.png

The Questionnaire apperes only at first run to pesonalize the account for user's needs and level of knowledge with plants to filter and customize plant's options for user. 

Light measure

When scanning a new space, it is important to measure the lightning in order to choose the optimal plants for the space. The app guides the user through the process and explains where the device should be located in order to get the best measurements (for best results, it is recommended to obtain light measures around noon on a bright day).

light measure g.gif
choosing plant op.gif

Recommended plants for space

Based on these parameters, the app will recommend the optimal plants for the space. Those can be viewed using horizontal scroll.

Choosing plant size

Choose the size of the plant, and view how it fits the space in real time.

plant size.gif
plant pot g.gif

Choosing plant planter

Choosing plant’s planter with finger slide in real time

AR plant in space

View the selected plant in real time using AR, to visualize its appearance in the space before making the purchase.

To read more about my AR process 

Letsplant ar gif.gif
lets buy gif.gif

Add to cart

Once you are satisfied with the results of the AR simulation, and decided that you wish to purchase the plant, you can add it to your online shopping cart and get it delivered from the nursery next to you of your choice.

Thank you for watching!

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