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Concrete Wall

A technological platform for social organizations, assisting employees in finding individuals with specific skills and expertise within the organization.


UX/UI designer 

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The Problem

Karma was established in response to a need identified by the Branco Weiss Institute, a social organization working towards social change in the geographical and social periphery of Israel. With over 2,000 employees of Branco Weiss dispersed throughout the country, the organization operates projects on a vast array of topics and populations – in the north and south, among Arabs, Druze, Jews, and more.

In every new project initiated within the organization, employees encounter a common inhibiting factor – it takes them a significant amount of time to search and find the suitable team members with the same skills and expertise they are seeking for the project.


The Solution

Karma is a closed technological platform designed for social organizations, in our case, the Branco Weiss Institute. Each employee within the organization creates a profile and shares their experience, skills, and knowledge – both within their work domains and beyond.

Those seeking expertise, whether project managers within the organization or team members in need of a specialist in a particular field, can access Karma, explore profiles, and search based on filters and tags relevant to the organization's areas of focus.

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We began the process with a conversation with representatives of "Branco Weiss," where we understood the quantity of various projects the organization operates throughout the country and its tremendous impact on the lives of tens of thousands of students from all demographics. Together with the organization's representatives, we clarified the problem: "Branco Weiss" is a very large organization, spreading across the entire country and operating dozens to hundreds of projects at any given moment, branching into various initiatives. Therefore, the organization struggles to identify the most suitable employees with the relevant experience and skills, who can contribute to different projects.

Currently, the connection of employees to projects or the utilization of their skills is done exclusively through personal acquaintance or the "referral by a colleague" approach.


Competitors Analysis

As part of the competitive analysis, we have learned that there are several similar products in the market, one of which belongs to the Israeli company "Gloat", with whom we have encountered during the process. The existing products in the market are designed for businesses, mainly focusing on employee retention and internal recruitment. However, most of them do not offer a user interface in Hebrew.



As part of the research and profiling process, we characterized personas to empathize with users, where the primary personas are the employee seeking a suitable person for a project and the individual seeking a project that suits them. We explored the pains that each persona experiences at each stage and how the system can help them optimize their experience.

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User Flow

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Final Prototype




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Resource efficiency


Personal fulfillment




Time savings

In "Branco Weiss," there are 2,000 employees, with 400 of them engaged in project management. Based on a robust estimation from survey data, "Karma" could potentially save them nearly 40,000 working hours per year – equivalent to a salary cost in the millions of shekels.

And now, let's multiply this by 20,000 nonprofits and social organizations operating in Israel.

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